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Explore Cross Plains
The Village of Cross Plains owns and maintains 25 acres of developed parks, including Municipal Park where you can enjoy the swimming pool, skateboard park, ball diamonds, playground, park shelter and picnic areas. Baer park has lighted ball diamonds, volleyball court, tennis courts, ice skating rink, playground, park shelter and picnic areas. There are five beautiful neighborhood parks with play equipment, landscaped areas and open play and picnic areas. The village also owns 81 acres of conservancy park areas.
The nearby Ice Age Trail is part of the National Park Service National Scenic Trail System. The Trail loosely follows the terminus of the furthest extent of glaciation from the last ice age that receded about 12,000 – 15,000 years ago. In Dane County, about 20 out of 55 – 60 miles of the Ice Age Trail are complete. Our main segments of hikeable Trail, from the north, are: Lodi Marsh State Wildlife Area, Indian Lake County Park, Table Bluff (Cross Plains), Verona segment (Hwy PD to Prairie Moraine County Park), and Brooklyn State Wildlife Area.
The annual Lions Trout Days is held, as always, on the opening day of Trout Season. In conjunction with the Lions Garage Sales Day, people turn out to go to garage sales, eat brats, ride the Lion Train, and enter the Fishing Contest. Flowing through the Village of Cross Plains are the spring-fed headwaters of the world renowned Black Earth Creek, a high quality trout stream that attracts fly-fishers and other anglers from throughout the midwest. The springs feeding Black Earth Creek maintain a constant flow of clear, cold high-quality water.