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Explore Montello
The Sandhill Cranes come to Marquette County from far away, flying north in March from the swamps of Florida. Some stop only briefly in the county before scattering on to Minnesota or Canada while others stay on here and raise their new families. The Sandhill Crane almost became extinct in the early 1900’s. Presently it is estimated that there are at least 1,000 Sandhill Cranes in Marquette County alone and some 35,000 throughout their flyway. The Sandhill Crane has made a dramatic comeback thanks to a better understanding of the value of preserving our wetlands and wildlife that depend on them for their very existence. For that reason, there are plenty of cranes around for everyone to enjoy – especially in the pristine marshes of Marquette County.
Boating and canoeing are favorite pastimes in summer, as are sailing, skiing and swimming. Golfing and softball on area courses and diamonds are a great way to spend a warm, summer day. Boats, motor and canoe rentals can be found at various resorts. Tackle and fresh, live bait can be purchased at many resorts, campgrounds and local bait shops. As you can see, the Montello area offers everything you need for an enjoyable day of fishing: plenty of lakes, rivers, and streams, with more than enough fish to go around. In winter, snowmobilers and cross-country skiers find the rolling hills and frozen lakes ideal places to enjoy their sports, while ice anglers bore holes to catch fish from the ice-locked waters. Deer, of course, remain the most sought-after game Marquette County has to offer. Hunters enjoy great success when pursuing the wary whitetail, so plentiful in this area. For the upland gamebird hunter – Marquette County offers a mixed bag of ruffed grouse, woodcock, pheasant, and bob-white quail.
Although much of Marquette County is private land, many landowners will give permission to hunt, if the hunter only asks. Public hunting areas also provide land and water to pursue most of the huntable species found in this county. With so much game, and so many places to hunt,
it’s easy to see why Marquette County has always been called “a Sportsman’s Paradise”! Whether catching a big walleye, hunting deer or ducks, enjoying a splash in the cool, crystal water of Montello’s area lakes and streams, hitting a golf ball, bird watching, snowmobiling, skiing, or dining at one of Montello’s fine restaurants, your stay in the Montello area will be one you and your family will always remember. Discover Montello and you won’t want to vacation anywhere else.